East African - German Business Forum 2018 in Berlin

The Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) initiated in collaboration with the East African Community (EAC), The East African Business Council (EABC) and further cooperating partners held the German-East African Business Day on the 15th May 2018 in Berlin, Germany.

I was honored to represent alongside members from the EABC at the forum which provided business delegates from the East African Community, Germany and all over Europe with the latest information, projects and possibilities to interact with stakeholders to foster business relations between the two regions.

We interacted with major German companies and potential investors with a foothold in Africa.

The overall objective of the East African-German Business Day is to create business synergies in various sectors while showcasing the EAC as an ideal business destination for trade and investment. The East African Community (EAC) delegation laid the carpet for its investment needs during the forum while seeking to:

-Provide an opportunity for business people to discuss business issues face to face with top policy makers and fellow business people from both regions;

-Provide a platform for finalization of agreements and tailored match making between business, investors and government agencies;

-Conclude partnership agreements and contracts; and

-Enhance trade and investment between Germany and East African Companies.