County Waste Management Entrepreneurship Hub - Taka Taka ni Mali in Taita Taveta County

I am a social entrepreneur at heart and I am passionate about skills development & creation of decent jobs in the field of manufacturing industries.

My dream as a social entrepreneur is to develop skills and create decent jobs for Kenyans while contributing to the industrial growth of Kenya. By managing waste as a resource, instead of as a problem, Taka Taka Ni Mali seeks to establish new industries, new investment, and new jobs. There is immense potential for decent employment opportunities at the different steps of the waste management hierarchy.

Through collaborative partnerships under the Taka Taka ni Mali initiative Kenyan youth and women can leverage on the untapped potential for entrepreneurship and skills development in the area of waste management and utilization which has high potential for business to business transactions, resource efficiency and climate change mitigation.

Taka Taka ni Mali held a consultative meeting with several waste management groups from across Taita Taveta County facilitated by the Office of the First Lady on 17 April 2018.

This is a beautiful necklace made from recycled calendar paper material by one of the women’s groups from Taita Taveta County.

I applaud and appreciate Taita Taveta County’s Project Ambassador H.E. Mrs. Stella Samboja, First Lady who continues to champion with the support of the CECs of Youth ,Trade and Environment for the establishment of the County Waste Management Enterpreneurship Hub in order to capitalize on skill transfer to citizens of Taita Taveta County as well as improve their lives through decent income generating activities.