Launch of the EAC Gender Policy

Globally, respect for human rights, inclusivity and empowerment are fundamental principles of humanity. The quest for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment is critical for social, cultural and economic development processes. Harnessing the power of women and men, boys and girls is central to maximizing equity and critically important in achieving sustainable development.

Women in the EAC constitute a significant demographic, forming more than 50% of the population and therefore their role in boosting social and economic development of the region cannot be overemphasized. Gender disparities in the region continue to be evident in a number of areas, including resource distribution; varying levels of  economic empowerment and involvement; participation in decision-making and in political representation; access to education and training opportunities; access to adequate and quality health services; high unemployment rates of women in the formal sector as compared to men; rampant sexual and gender-based violence; harmful cultural practices; and inadequate budgetary allocation for gender-specific needs; among other notable disparities.

Thus, a gendered perspective on human rights generally, and on equality and nondiscrimination calls for a deliberate policy at the regional level that can provide an overarching framework on gender equality, equity and Affirmative Action.
This Policy provides a framework, intended to accelerate the realization of gender equality, fairness between men and women, non-discrimination and fundamental rights in East Africa. The Policy framework is a tool to facilitate the advancement of East Africa’s political and social economic integration, guarantee that gender issues are included in the East African Community agenda, accelerate gender mainstreaming, contribute to higher living standards and enhance the efforts exerted by the East African people to play their rightful role in a globalizing world.

The EAC Gender Policy is by the international, regional and national legal frameworks and will among others provide guidance on focused formulation and integration of gender issues in programming within the region. In addition, the policy provides a mechanism of reporting on international and regional commitments by the EAC Partner States as a Regional Economic Community (REC).

It also takes into account the fact that policy implementation requires all stakeholders working together and therefore brings together the different players, decision-makers, development partners, private sector, civil society and the East African citizenry. This being the first EAC Gender policy has stipulated a number of Development Objectives to be pursued over its respective Plan period. Secondly, is also significantly informed by key current and emerging regional development issues and priorities, as well as the EAC Vision 2050 imperatives, especially given that this is the “pioneer” Gender policy under the EAC Vision 2050.

To ensure “ownership”, “commitment” and “leadership” with regard to the Gender Policy the closely related optimum support by its various stakeholders, a participatory, consultative and interactive approach was employed throughout the process of the Policy formulation and development at all levels, including all the EAC Organs and Partner States.

Download a copy of the EAC Gender Policy here